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Read the full Ebook or download the full PDF of Depression & Other Magic Tricks a famous novel by Sabrina Benaim (Author). It is a great book to read and that's why I recommend you to read it as soon as you can. I won't spoil too much but I'll just give a brief summary of the novel.

Depression & Other Magic Tricks investigates the topics of mental prosperity, love and family. Most of the poems found in this book were performed before at button poetry, on YOUTUBE.


Spoken Word poet Sabrina Benaim, published her novel, Depression & Other Magic Tricks in August 2017. This poetry collection contains 53 unique poems which all tell their individual stories while being part of a collective thought process throughout Depression & Other Magic Tricks. Benaim's general subject is about psychological wellbeing, however it's more centered on depression. She plunges into portraying how depression has advanced into her life and what it has meant for her. She does this with strong and exquisite writing. Benaim's poems center around misery and herself as well as discussing depression with friends and family and opening up to her doctor about her depression - something that can be similarly pretty much as troublesome as reaching out to family.

For any individual who has perused The Potential gain of Being Somewhere near Jen Gotch, they will see the value in Benaim involving her mental condition as a method for directing her imagination which is splendid. At the point when poets pick subjects that talk intensely to them, they can light an inventive flash.

Inspirational Qoutes

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” 

 By John Green

Sometimes, life will kick you around, but sooner or later, you realize you’re not just a survivor. You’re a warrior, and you’re stronger than anything life throws your way

By Brooke Davis

Posted by Benedictus Makuyana

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